Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Getting Real with the A

It was determined in Bach’s time that middle C was produced by 256 vibrations per second. That number is a power of 2.

Any vibrational rate, when doubled, produces the same note an octave higher. Half the vibrational rate produces a tone that is the same note an octave lower.

We can take Bach’s middle C and by halving it and continuing to half it, finally arrive at 16 cycles per second. That would be a very low C at the threshold of audible hearing, the lowest C that can be heard and identified as such by humans.

Eight vibrations per second goes into the subsonic zone. Continuing by halves, we get four, two and finally one cycle per second. This means that the fundamental tone of Bach’s C was in natural harmony with the division of time into its smallest part.

I believe that the division of time into 12 or 24 parts, the zodiac houses and the hours, respectively, is in harmony with the natural cycles of the earth planet. some people say the underlying etheric grid of the earth is a dodecahedron,or 12 sided Platonic solid. And further, they say that the natural grid lines of subtle force correspond to major divisions of our sphere into 360 parts.

This suggests that the one second interval is a natural subdivision of the larger cycle of our spinning planet. The doubling and redoubling of that frequency leads to the middle C that was recognized in the time of bach as the standard tuning of middle C equals 256 vibrations per second.

Multiplying by 3, rather than 2, creates the third partial, the interval of the fifth in music terminology. If the C of one vibration per second is multiplied by 3, the result is a subsonic G. When that is multiplied by 3, the 9 cycle subsonic result is D. That D being multiplied by 3 results in an audible 27 cycle per second A. Now we continue by doubling the vibratory rate. From 54 cycles per second we proceed through 108 and 216 to arrive finally at 432 cycles per second, the Verdi or Mozart A.

Just as the Bach C is anchored to the natural cycles of our planet, so is the Mozart or Verdi A of 432 cycles per second.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pay the Reckoning

"You can be anything you want to be...
Do anything you want to do...
Have anything you want to have...
if you are willing to pay the price."

Have you heard that one before? I know I have many times.
Is it encouraging or discouraging?

It reminds me of the story of the angel sent by Almighty God
to a couple of serious meditators. They both had been sitting
a long time for enlightenment. They both had prayed hard for the answer.

God told his angel that the first man had to sit 12 more years.
The second man had to continue sitting under the same tree
for as many years as there were leaves on the tree.

So when the angel, disguised as a holy man, told the first man
that he only had to sit 12 more years, he was surprised.

The man jumped up as angry as could be and said, "What?!?!
I've already been sitting here 12 years. You want me to sit 12
more years?" And he chase the angel away, threatening him with a stick.

The angel felt cautious about what he had to tell the second man,
but he did it because that was his job.

The second man smiled and said, "Thank you for this good news.
I'm greatly encouraged that I will have what I long for in a definite
number of years."

Because of his gratitude, he was given the enlightenment right away.

The point of the story, this time, is acceptance of the price we have to pay
to get what we want. I believe that having a good idea of the cost of success
and the willingness to pay it, actually speeds up the process.

That's what Pay the Reckoning is about.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Banish Misfortune

Last month's public performance on March 16th went well, as far as the A-432 is concerned. The music sounded very normal.

The only hassle was a feed back problem induced by inexperience and slightly mismatched microphones on the violins. Can't blame Mozart for that.

I'm using the occasion of this message to announce my major project for this year: the Money Tunes.

This is a multi-media project. The big hairy part is producing the concept tunes for the album. the creative work is well under way. I've lined up partners for the recording. There's still a lot of work to do.

Another part of it is the philosophy of Money Energy. The web site carries the writing of the explanations, the insights, the knowledge factor.

The first essay in this series is Banish Misfortune. This also is the name of a fiddle tune. It's one of the tunes selected for my current music project, Money Tunes. You will find a link to the MP3 file on
Grassapelli Banishes Misfortune

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Ups and Downs of Fiddling A-432

My commitment to playing in public with A 432 tuning gets tested.

Most recently, when I did the New Port Richey library gig, I was challenged.
Just before starting my program of talking and playing, I opened my case, rosined the bow and started adjusting the tuning.

The was when one of the people in the audience, a man who plays in the Richey Community Symphony, called out, "Tune it up!"

I was hit by the sudden doubt that the difference in pitch between 440 and 432 was painfully obvious. My second thought was that this fellow was just teasing me in a light hearted way. So I went ahead with my planned program.

After I've performed publicly enough times, this doubt will vanish. It quickly went away after I began playing that day. The program went well. I got good feedback on it. No one said that the tuning was off, even though I revealed my secret.

In a couple of days I get to test the concept again. This will even involve other musicians--a first for the idea. We will play a mostly Irish fiddle program at a local bistro, the Ka Tiki, down on Sunset Beach.

My very able helpers are members of a folk string band, The Juniper Trio. They showed a little reluctance to tune down at first. But, only a little.

Just as my expectations and belief in this program go Up and Down Again, (and up again), and just as my colleagues must tune up after a practice and down again when we perform...so I offer this little Irish slip jig, Up and Down Again.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Butterflies in Formation

This new year has me asking how committed I want to be in using A-432.

How much do I want to browbeat others into tuning down?

When I appear as a soloist player/presenter, as I will this Saturday,

there's no problem. But, playing with others. Hmmm.

Thinking about the new year in January, I had an insight. I wrote

out a piece about the number of the year and published it at


The article goes into numerological detail. It also references an online

marketing campaign called Butterfly Marketing.

The deal is a little too pricey for me right now, but I respect it.

That's why I recorded the slip jig, The Butterfly, for this blog.