It was determined in Bach’s time that middle C was produced by 256 vibrations per second. That number is a power of 2.
Any vibrational rate, when doubled, produces the same note an octave higher. Half the vibrational rate produces a tone that is the same note an octave lower.
We can take Bach’s middle C and by halving it and continuing to half it, finally arrive at 16 cycles per second. That would be a very low C at the threshold of audible hearing, the lowest C that can be heard and identified as such by humans.
Eight vibrations per second goes into the subsonic zone. Continuing by halves, we get four, two and finally one cycle per second. This means that the fundamental tone of Bach’s C was in natural harmony with the division of time into its smallest part.
I believe that the division of time into 12 or 24 parts, the zodiac houses and the hours, respectively, is in harmony with the natural cycles of the earth planet. some people say the underlying etheric grid of the earth is a dodecahedron,or 12 sided Platonic solid. And further, they say that the natural grid lines of subtle force correspond to major divisions of our sphere into 360 parts.
This suggests that the one second interval is a natural subdivision of the larger cycle of our spinning planet. The doubling and redoubling of that frequency leads to the middle C that was recognized in the time of bach as the standard tuning of middle C equals 256 vibrations per second.
Multiplying by 3, rather than 2, creates the third partial, the interval of the fifth in music terminology. If the C of one vibration per second is multiplied by 3, the result is a subsonic G. When that is multiplied by 3, the 9 cycle subsonic result is D. That D being multiplied by 3 results in an audible 27 cycle per second A. Now we continue by doubling the vibratory rate. From 54 cycles per second we proceed through 108 and 216 to arrive finally at 432 cycles per second, the Verdi or Mozart A.
Just as the Bach C is anchored to the natural cycles of our planet, so is the Mozart or Verdi A of 432 cycles per second.
Chocobo in Fiddle Tablature
6 years ago